Smolensk State Medical Academy

| Smolensk State Medical Academy | SSMA


• Smolensk Medical University
• Smolensk State Medical University
• Smolensk Medical Institute
• Smolensk Medical College

Smolensk State Medical Academy is a State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education in Smolensk city of Russian Federation. Smolensk State Medical Academy was formed in 1920 as a medical faculty of Smolensk State University.  In 1924 medical faculty of Smolensk State University became separated and recognized into Smolensk State Medical Institute. In 1994, the State Committee of the Russian Federation on Higher Education transformed the Smolensk State Medical Institute in Smolensk State Medical Academy. Smolensk State Medical Academy is a center of medical science. Smolensk State Medical Academy has 67 departments in the major university hospitals of Smolensk. The Smolensk State Medical Academy has more than 450 teachers, including 86 doctors and 281 candidates of sciences. Training of doctors is conducted in general medicine, pediatrics, dentistry, pharmacy and nursing. Till now 36500 specialists has been trained. At present around Smolensk State Medical Academy has 6000 students from 31 countries.


• General Medicine
• Pediatrics
• Dental/Stomatology
• Pharmacology
• Social Psychology
• Higher Nursing Education
• Post Graduation

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